Wednesday, August 25, 2010

When The Gloom Approaches, Follow The Light.

The light will reset you free.

Although, following a glowing winged pantalunatic in the woods is generally not seen as the best behaviour model for a Blogger, in this case it is recommended to cure all ills, bills, and spills.
My life is still being agitated in the washer/dryer of fate, and many of my current projects are left hanging, drying for my attention.

I decided on a whim to make another attempt at a CRM inspired light. This will follow his box shape design, capped by an as yet unrealised lid/dome. An original CRM design shown below, upon which my light is loosely based.

In my design, the illumination element will be white LED's, but there is no reason why red, green, blue, and white cannot be used with a few changes. The control mechanism for this light is again unrealised, although an adaption of the GORGON control system can be used.

It's looking reasonable at present, but these are vey early days. I only made these boards today.

Some pics below:

Above, one of the outward facing sides, with the apple/pear design.

Above, one of the inward facing sides, showing the layout of the LED's. There are 8 on each side giving 32 total.

Above, the four sides held together with blu-tack, giving an idea of how the finished light will look. The frames underneath the boards are A4/ letter in size, giving an idea of scale. 

Above, an idea of how the light will shine through the apple/pear shape. Coloured/colored LED's could provide many variants. 

It is very early days for this project, with much to be done. Hopefully after the next spin cycle in my life, I'll have enough enthusiasm left to continue, and won't be left drained. 

Friday, August 13, 2010

Make Doo.

Since the recession abruptly halted the building of my Gallery on Antigua, and left me broke financially challenged,

I'm having to utilise all available space at home to hang my graphics.

Hey, nails aren't cheap you know!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Antony Gormley Exposure Update.

The assembly of the sculpture by Antony Gormley, entitled Exposure, is  complete. The installation,  near Lelystad in the Netherlands, has been photographed by Marga Marree.

The head being added is here.

The Flickr photostream is here.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Sans The Truth Slayer.

Pantalunatic News reports exclusively today, that what happens in New York City, stays in New York City, and gets exclusively reported on Pantalunatic News!

Mr. Barry Manilow, singer, songwriter and worldwide superstar, was caught on SD card earlier this week on his way to attend a meeting ostensibly to renew his subscription to the WAIFC.

Mr. Manilow's bodyguard (who said he was called Alexander Graham Bell), immediately after this photo was snatched, attacked our intrepid sanparazzi photographer with a samurai sword and a scarf with a knot tied in the middle.

During the chaos, the unknown Lady in the foreground who may or may not be Celebrity Blogger Wendi Aarons, was jostled, but swifferly recovered her composure and disappeared with Mr. Manilow allegedly to rubber stamp his credentials.
A pair of pants was seen to be thrown from a nearby hotel some minutes later, accompanied by the shout "Fu*k you Sans Pantaloons, here, wear some pants!"

Meanwhile, Mr. George Clooney, actor, sex symbol, and worldwide superstar, who has previously been reported stepping out with multi-talented Blogger, Vlogger & Actress Jessica Bern, was protecting Wendi's companion, Celebrity Blogger & BlogHer Keynote Speaker, Voice of the Decade, Marinka, during the ensuing fracas.
Under question, Mr. Clooney stated he was present ostensibly to attend a personal Blogging tutorial, allegedly to improve his Blogging technique, which consists of one finger, circular motions only. Marinka was seen nodding in agreement.
Marinka and Mr. Clooney then hurried away from the scene with the excuse that they had an 'insurance matter' to discuss, and possibly a world cruise.

Pantalunatic News disclosure policy admits that portions of this report may, or may not, be true, in whole or in part, or that the complete thing may be made up, which is most likely.

Friday, August 06, 2010

Top Gals.

Role Models for the Electronic age.

Tuesday, August 03, 2010


Behind every set of doors is promise. If the doors are in front of you, open them.

These are my version of a set of bookcase doors designed by CRM, picture is here.

Sunday, August 01, 2010

Fully Loaded.

As 2009 ended, I published a graphic as a Christmas greeting. It was only half complete at the time, therefore herewith find below my fully loaded version of the graphic.
I have left the two famous Bloggers featured. On a scholarly note, CRM produced a proposal for a menu cover for the Royal Institute of British Architects using this graphic. It was probably never used, and thus destiny determined it to become the portfolio cover for CRM-MMM's House for an Art Lover competition entry.  The photolithograph of the actual cover can be seen here.